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Other Projects

Pubmed Co-Author Summarizer

If you're ever in need of all your coauthors for a paper or grant, use this tool here.

Potato Surfer

I created potato surfer in 2014 with a couple of friends. We wanted to recreate the viewing experience of television on the internet with internet content. Users can view channels with none of the modern viewing amenities, such as pause and rewind. We've removed the tyranny of choice with users only able to change channel with everyone sync'd up. Additionally, users can also be channel producers: curating content and scheduling content display with full control of their own channel. At our peak we had thousands of users but have since shut it down.

The Great Watermelon Study of 2015

Have you ever wanted to pick the best watermelon while standing at the store but didn't know how to tell? Well, check out the blog at

Last update: January 11, 2022 23:59:58